Friday, September 12, 2008

Time to get started!!!!

So first things first, since I last wrote, I had my 20 week ultrasound and we found out that we are having a BOY!!!! Yep, so that's 2 sons for me now, and I'm really excited!!!
Plus my lil man Nick started grade 1, and he LOVES it!!! I couldn't be happier, everything is going along great!!! :D

Now to the "business" aspect of things, I feel like such a newbie to the blogging world, but I refuse to give up!!! I know I am capable of accomplishing my dreams, and I will within time.. I hate how much time it takes to get to where I want to be, but if I keep on working at it, eventually I will see the results I'm ultimately looking for.

In my journey so far, I've discovered MANY great sites that I feel deserve recognition.
For contests, is my absolute favourite!!! I visit the site everyday, and I always find good contests and giveaways to enter!!! If you haven't visited the site yet, I suggest that you do, it's great!!

I've been finding Blogs to be a great place to find giveaways from women that seem to have the same dream I do, which is to write about family you love, write reviews on products you love, and lastly, have great things to giveaway to others!!! I can't wait until one day, where I am in a position to do such, which is going to be sooner rather than later!!!! :D

While I haven't written much about anything so far, It's because I've been a busybee trying to make my blog look great!!! Adding links to all my favourite sites, and my favourite really can be time-consuming!! lol

Anyways, soon enough I will be the ultimate blogger with a blog to be proud of one day..for now, it's me working up to it!!



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